I Want You To Think This Time
What have you been rushing on lately? What is driving you to do stuff? What motivates you? What repulses you?
What was the last lime you applied for something? Tried to get in, you know, be accepted?
Do you compete with others? Did you ever feel living in an overall competition? Does it make you feel good crushing (or just being better than) others ? Do you want to be "the best" in something?
Or do you prefer challenging yourself ? Beating you up until you feel like you're not getting any more close to perfection? Do you think you have limits or just can't satisfy your inner-self? Do you ever try to find and/or be the best of you?
Do you think there are boundaries in every day life? Something some do all the time, some not? Were you ever been in a VIP lounge? Restricted area? Stayed up in a mall after the closure? Have you ever wanted to?
Not invited to your friend's birthday? Just because you're too short you couldn't enjoy some rides in amusement parks? Didn't express your feelings to not to hurt the other person? Didn't auditioned for a play because they were searching precise character types? Or worst because of your nationality you can't do what others do? Do you enough time to do all the thing you want during 24 hours or 52 weeks?
Do you think you fit in? Do you try to or you go flow with the time and don't make an effort for it?
When was the last time you failed? When was the last time you failed an exam? A friend? A relationship? Who dumped who? Does it matter? Is it the how or do you care about or the results?
What makes more sense:
A)Making a presumption and putting laws about something we haven't lived yet?
B)Changing laws after something goes wrong/ not in a an expected way?
A)Keep searching the answer to "Why we're here?" , "Are we alone in the universe?" cosmological questions using all the technology available and getting closer to an ecological collapse?
B)Keep thinking and discussing the same questions like philosophers, writing stories about dancing folks in (since we know they're not in Venus) 51 Pegasi B?
A) Freedom ?
B) Free will ?
What hurts more :
A)When you make an error, great or not made by you
B) When you don't but someone still puts the blame on you?
A)When you pass an exam and you don't get enough points
B)When you're above average but still your ranking fails you?
A)When there are thousand of applicants for a job/school... and you're not selected because of your CV, cover letter, you know recommended papers aren't good enough?
B)When there is nothing requested nor an exam but just one person, maybe a boss or a teacher, rewards one of your co-workers instead of you just like that?
Free will, in humans, the power or capacity to choose among alternatives or to act in certain situations independently of natural, social, or divine restraints.
Give me one example, a scene from your thoughts you want to take on the stage. A situation independently of natural, social, or divine restraints.
You with your beloved ones away in a vacation, at the beach or high up on a mountain, chilling and killing time? Playing with your computer while binge eating whatever you want? You can maybe do it right now, care free sure. For how long? Do you have to stop? Or your free will resides in a fantasy world? Dungeons and Dragons, League of Legends come alive? Would you play dangerous, sexy playful games with vampires? Would your free will takes control on dreams? I'm sorry I didn't mean to say- takes control.
I don't know about social restraints, you can ignore people and get away but the other 2, free will is an ideal?
There have been things that you wanted to change. There are things you still want to change and there will be more that you won't be able to. No matter how hard you try, sometimes someone, some people will stand in your way.
Not everything is up to you.
Not everything is your fault.
There will be many opportunities for one specific thing and many things with only one shot. Whatever the reason you don't get in, sometimes you won't be able to change anything.
You'll lose a bit hope, of course lowering levels of self-esteem, find a distraction, have another inspiration, re-try, re-fail then wonder what you're doing wrong.
You're not always doing something wrong.
Maybe sometimes sure,
Just there are and always will be some people who dislike you or don't approve your opinions,
Judgemental people maybe even jealous,
Racist, violent, egoist
Or they just simply support other ideas
You can't do anything about it
You can't change that.
We grew up learning social conventions from our parents and teachers in order to let go our childish egocentrism and learn how to make better argumentations in favour of the social groups or majority (Or simply to fit in).
When was the last time you asked yourself:
"What if everyone acted the way I do?"
Would you want that? Depends on circumstances? Do you think yourself as a good leader?
You can of course search for answers to understand what's wrong but it doesn't mean you'll always get the answer you're looking for.
You aim, you shot you hit the target then someone else cries before you "I did it".
Everyone believes
You try to correct the wrong or what?
Can you always search for your rights even though you are used to get what you don't deserve?
Or just the amount of work to claim your right bothers you,
Filling all the paperwork, calling all the authorities?
Or maybe even just speak out your truth?
And knowing it's not certain you'll get what you deserve do you still fight?
How many writers, composers, filmmakers,
Resume: all kinds of artists
Young-graduates or high school students
Guilt-gutted entrepreneurs, rich people
Influencers, scientists, lawyers, some more brave-hearts
Try try, gets 10000000 views 10000000 likes
They try, you try, we try
For world's sake OK one step two step
To diminish the restrictions, limits
While there are also a lot of walls, barriers, encounterers.
DO you think for sake of one person there's not much to do?
If you're not already wealthy or lucky enough to have many doors opening to you
You try, you try, and you keep trying?
And sometimes no matter how much you make effort
It's not always up to you.
All those times you think
Nothing to do, nothing more to say.
Don't waste your force rowing against a waterfall?
Or just you waste your time anyway and regret that you did?
You who's reading these lines right now
If you know me personally
I don't think you had been over some real difficulties
War, escape, rape or prison
Those who don't, I'll assume you have opened the site willingly by surfing on random blogs/ sites
You have a phone, a computer and a home
So I'll say let's think about
Free will
Let's assume we have a free will.
For those who are religious forget about a god or destiny for a sec
For those scientific, forget about our brain dynamics preceding our conscious decision making.
We're free, you me no-one can predicts our behaviours
No one controls them
And our ideas our ours, we feel the emotions in need.
What about the society? Our government? All the restrictions?All the inter-dependence? We want something and we're free
What stands in our way?
Law of Physics?
It’s often assumed that science and rationalism are “free” while religion and faith are not.
So It's their loss. It's the world's loss.
everyone is on the rush, no-one is satisfied.
So my words point to that, till' now all I say is bad.
I'm not saying stop fighting for your beliefs, chasing your dreams, I'm just trying say that it's OK to fail
OK to be limited.
That's the beauty in a way.
You train your mind to feel better maybe even truly happy, and once you hit the bottom line and lose hope you blame who?
Yourself? Or someone else?
Not for free will, unless you like getting in deep conversations you don't usually design puzzles to solve your problems. You see the limits focus on yourself,
Because deep down you know, you can actually, and maybe only control your own thoughts and feelings.
Nobody stops you from thinking:
If they'd chosen you they'd do better.
They'd be lucky.
If there were no countries but still many cultures,
It'd all be easy.
Yes for the competitions between companies or labs
If they all had the same investors.
Life would be better
And instead of global warming: Friendly dragons blowing fire
Maybe if you didn't have a certain type of a disability
Maybe if there was more time
Maybe if you had someone
Who understands you, who listens
Who makes your dream come true.
A little conversation between Jean Piaget and a 5 year old girl:
Piaget: What makes the wind? Julia: The trees. P: How do you know? J: I saw them moving their branches. P: How does that make the wind? J: Like this (waving her hands in front of her face). Only the branches are bigger. And there are lots of trees. P: What makes the wind on the ocean? J: It blows there from the land. No. It’s the waves…
Piaget concluded that though this little girl’s beliefs about the wind were false, they were completely consistent within the framework of her young thought system.
How then to be free?
We're free in the limits we have. Except your thoughts. You are free to develop them, you should be free to express them.
Whether you don't give a rat's ass about people or you like to play for the audience, your mind has no limits.
The biggest assaults on independent thinking is that there should be no assault's in the first place. You own your mind. And people should have the option to hear it, use it, try it and like it.
Nobody has the key to your castle on the clouds, your secret cave. Even though it's filled with all the information we gained from every little experience we had
It's unique, it's yours.
Do you think you know yourself good?
Why do you think meditation and relaxation exercises are gaining so much importance while the world goes faster?
All the money spent on going to Mars or pharmaceuticals?
So that only the individuals who are not effected by all the innovations don't feel less important? Or learn not to care?
Or not to be crushed under a huge amount of knowledge that you gained about something other then yourself, so to try not to disconnect your mind from your body?
"Freedom is a very good horse to ride, but where to ?"
I believe the only thing that actually matters in this rush called life
Is you.
Try to satisfy yourself
Doing anything you want and can
If you're stuck and can get further
Imagine, you'll see your mind has other dimensions in his own.
PS: Recently a friend of mine asked me why do we have the thirst to go to Mars, or we support those who have since by the time we'll be able to build a colony up there the Earth won't have to many days of survival. And a lot of damage is being done by aerospace industry. Rocket engine exhaust contains gases and particles that can affect Earth's climate and ozone layer.
Since the birth of philosophy the same questions wonder around the earth. Now we have the tools and technology to finally look for evidence to understand the life, universe and ourselves.
There are dreamers who took initiative to explore the universe and our loneliness like Carl Sagan and those who believe leaving a better tomorrow for future generations goes by finding alternative habitats like Elon Musk.
Not only sciences though we all pollute.
I am one of the people who supports every dreamer
Science-fiction is my best friend ( and I don't understand people who thinks it's sad)
Fashion, films, junk food, social media they are for every day life.
We may not have a purpose to live other than passing our days as best as we can.
Medical progress has ethical questions but it's still more supported than going to space because people feel considered by the questions, if not the hope of an incurable disease will be cured but also the hope of anti-ageing.
But, the science was born to prove God doesn't exist.
Maybe the answer one day will be found, in 100 or 50000 years, and it will disappoint a lot of people.
Still, without searching an answer to
"Why we're here?"
We'll never know.
Humans by nature, we're curious and there's nothing more heart breaking than not having the opportunity to discover what we seek.
Some can stand less than us and take immediate action.
They can and nobody stops them, only when contuerarguments outnumber all in favours. And since we are constructing ethics and morals, not everyone cares about the same stuff.
Just like not every 12 year old participates in climate change protests.
I am pro to all advance in humanity once and for all even though their might be controversies. And I love reading about space! Stopping every project Space like late 20th century because we lack money would only put on hold couple years the new project launches and deep down it would feel like waiting to die and not doing something about it. Our curiosity is the driver and the excitement and the fear our companions.
Maybe I'll right more on this one day.